
Taking a gym personal assistant to the next level of personalization involving AI and VUI design.


San Francisco, USA


Design a native app concept (mobile or wearable) for a personal gym assistant. The app should allow the user to either choose a specific set of goals or let the assistant choose for them based on a set of criteria taking into consideration how AI and bots could take this concept to the next level.

Key Skills

  • User and market research
  • Design thinking
  • Journey map
  • Brand identity
  • VUI Design
  • Wireframing
  • Mockups
  • iOS mobile design


Product Designer.


Find the easiest way to input data regarding eating and exercising habits to tailor the user experience.


A step-by-step onboarding with a celebrity assistant that makes the whole process more personal. Followed by voice control to facilitate the input of health activities so machine learning is able to suggest fitness plans tailored to the lifestyle of the user human.

Despite the client was satisfied by the approach, he couldn’t continue developing the concept.

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