NAB Home Loan Tool

Rethinking the home loan tool

The Mortgages business makes a lot of money for NAB. There are plenty of services and support for First Home Buyers, but NAB has identified a gap in the home loan market to better educate and support a particular niche customer – 2nd Home Buyers.


National Australia Bank (NAB)
Sydney, Australia


Create some hi-fidelity conceptual designs based on the wireframes produced by the UX designer, considering not only the visual language but also the information design, and how we can use the NAB branding to extend what the company is currently doing throughout their digital presence.


Consultant UI Designer.


CX designer and UX designer.

Key Skills

  • Wireframing
  • Mockups (Sketch)
  • Prototype (Invision)
  • Responsive design


Use the brand guidelines but slightly uplifting the UI at the point it becomes aspirational to future designs.


Designs were presented to stakeholders with a great feedback. The team pitched the concepts to the leaders so they can get budget to start with the project.

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